A warm welcome from Farm Road Pre-school

The Farm Road Pre-school was established in 1971 and is an important part of our local community. The Kindergarten building and grounds are owned by the City of Kingston, but the kindergarten is managed by a parent Committee of Management. As a not-for-profit community-based pre-school our primary objective is to provide the best quality care and education for children and families.
We are extremely proud of the wonderful facilities and resources that we provide to local families. We are the envy of many with our extensive and beautiful play-ground. The cost of this major renovation was completely paid for by the Pre-school and was achieved by many years of fund-raising and hard work by parent committees and families.
We have a highly committed experienced and cohesive teaching team who work together to provide the highest quality program. Our service and program have been rated as Exceeding the National Quality Standards by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Authority.
Farm Road Pre-school acknowledges that our centre is located on the traditional lands of the Bunurong people of the Kulin nation.
our philosophy
Belonging, being and becoming
Farm Road Pre-School follows the guidelines of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) which is closely linked to the National Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). We agree that childhood is a very special time in a child’s life and we aim to create a place where childhood is treasured. The National EYLF talks about “belonging, being and becoming”. We fully endorse this as the basis for our belief and understanding of what is important in a quality early childhood program. At kindergarten we aim to create a sense of “belonging” for all children. It is also a place where children can just “be” (being). It’s a place to play, have fun and discover new things. It is also a place where children can continuously evolve (“become”). A child’s early childhood experience helpsto shape the type of adult they will become. Kindergarten is not just preparation for school, it’s preparation for life.
Our centre aims to create an inclusive environment where all children are welcomed. Each child is seen as a unique individual who has a right to feel safe, valued and respected for who they are. Children are taught to show consideration, respect and empathy for all members of the group. Children are encouraged to look for strengths and talents in themselves and other children and to see beyond any differences.
Children learn through play and learn best when they are active participants. The staff at our centre strongly believe in the importance of play to young children. When children play they are showing us what they know and what they are trying to understand. The children are actively encouraged to explore their environment and to choose their own activities and materials. Children need opportunities for long periods of uninterrupted play.
Educators are facilitators and mediators in the kindergarten environment. They support the children in a learning environment which is stimulating, nurturing and safe. Educators build on each individual child’s knowledge & interests to enhance and broaden their learning experience. We acknowledge the fact that parents are their child’s first educators. We aim to develop positive and respectful relationships between children, families and staff. Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in the kindergarten program.
Farm Rd Pre-school acknowledges that our centre is located on the traditional lands of the Bunurong people of the Kulin nation. We want to gain greater knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture so that we can provide learning experiences that reflect and respond to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. We respect the fact that the families who attend our centre come from many diverse cultural and religious backgrounds. Everyone is encouraged to be proud of who they are and where they have come from. These similarities and differences are welcomed and celebrated.
The Committee of Management is formed by the parents of children of Farm Rd Pre-school, who are dedicated to ensuring our community has access to an ongoing quality learning program for our children, through the employment of dedicated, qualified staff and the constant development of policies in the ever changing childhood education environment. The Committee provides resources and equipment through fundraising to enrich the educational experience of each child and supports our staff in their continual development as educations. The Committee provides a safe and secure environment for our children to learn in and our staff to teach in. The Committee is charged with maintaining and actioning the Quality Improvement Plan which ensures that the service is focused on continuous improvements and evaluations.
Our centre has a strong commitment to sustainability and the environment. The use of tank water, the use of recycled materials in the kindergarten program, growing vegetables, rubbish recycling, composting of food scraps into the worm farm and the use of environmentally friendly cleaning products are some of the ways we do this.

Our Teachers
All of our teachers at Farm Road Pre-School have extensive experience in the early childhood sector and have been at our centre for many years.
Our staff are dedicated, and love working with young children and their families to ensure a positive kinder experience.

Director / Nominated Supervisor / Educational Leader
4 Year Old Teacher - Kookaburras
Bachelor of Education
Diploma of Teaching (Early Childhood)
A brief introduction in their own words.
Intro end.

4 Year Old Teacher - Rosellas
Diploma of Teaching (Early Childhood)
A brief introduction in their own words.
Intro end.

3 Year Old Teacher - Bilbies
Bachelor of Education
Diploma of Teaching (Primary)
A brief introduction in their own words.
Intro end.

3 Year Old Teacher - Bilbies
Bachelor of Education
Diploma of Teaching (Early Childhood)
A brief introduction in their own words.
Intro end.

4 Year Old Co-educator - Kookaburras
Diploma of Children's Services​
A brief introduction in their own words.
Intro end.

4 Year Old Co-educator - Rosellas
Certificate III in Childcare Equivalence
A brief introduction in their own words.
Intro end.

3 Year Old Co-educator - Bilbies
Certificate III in Childcare Equivalence
A brief introduction in their own words.
Intro end.

Lunch Time Carer
Certificate III in Childcare​
A brief introduction in their own words.
Intro end.

Business Manager
A brief introduction in their own words.
Intro end.
Farm Road Pre-school is managed by an elected Committee of Management. All committee members are volunteers who have children currently attending Farm Road Pre-school. The committee is responsible for all of the operations of the kinder from managing staff, OHS, enrolments and everything in between.
The committee are here to represent the parents and ensure the kindergarten is high quality, compliant, financially viable and meets the needs of families.
Below is a list of the Farm Road Preschool policies. The policy folder, which contains the detailed policies is located in preschool foyer and is available for your perusal at anytime.
If you require any information please call the kinder on 9584 2328.
Policy table needs to go here.

2019 building works
A newly renovated Farm Road Pre-school for 2020
Info about building works here.

Artist impression - Main Room

Artist impression - Bathroom