OUR Programs
All of our programs are based on the Early Years Learning and Development Framework and the National Quality Standards to ensure we can provide the best quality educational experience for every child and family.
We have been assessed as exceeding the National Quality Standards in all seven areas, and will continue to strive for excellence in our programs.

3 Year Old Program
In 2024, Farm Road Pre-School will have one three year old group. The 3YO program is fully funded by the Victorian Government. The group will attend kinder twice a week, each session running for 7.5 hours. There will be up to twenty-two children in the group, with two educators.
The Three year old Curriculum is based on the model of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF):
Children have a strong sense of identity
Children are connected with and contribute to their world
Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
Children are confident and involved learners
Children are effective communicators​
We will provide welcoming, caring and nurturing environment where all children can feel safe, secure and valued so they are confident to learn, explore and grow. Through our play based program children build self confidence, a love of learning, build friendships and develop a physical (fine and gross motor), cognitive, social, emotional and language development through both interest based experiences as well as intentional learning in both indoor and outdoor environments.
Indoor activities include: drawing, pasting, puzzles, play-dough and clay, block building, construction work, imaginary/dramatic play, music/movement and story reading. Outdoor activities include: running, jumping, swinging, climbing, ball games, sand and water play and construction work.
Group experiences both large and small are also an important component of the program enabling opportunities for sharing stories, music, dramatic play and discussions. This gives the children the opportunity to develop listening skills, share ideas, participate as active members of the group and develop a sense of belonging. Parental involvement and input in the Pre-School Program is highly encouraged and valued by staff members.
​Our staff are dedicated, and love working with young children and their families to ensure a positive kinder experience.

4 Year Old Program
The 4-5 year olds attend kindergarten for 15 hours per week. The 4 year old program is funded by the State Government. In 2024 there will be 1 four year old group, with up to 28 children in the group. The 4 year old curriculum is based on the model of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, (VEYLF) which was introduced in 2010.
The framework uses five outcomes to describe the key elements of children’s learning and development. These are;
Children have a strong sense of identity.
Children are connected with and contribute to their world.
Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.
Children are confident and involved learners.
Children are effective communicators.
The program is play based and the program content is centred around the children’s interests as well as intentional teaching. The program is rich and varied and provides the children with lots of opportunities to develop their skills, interests and knowledge in a stimulating environment. Activities and learning experiences include art, music, dance, language experiences, cooking, incursions and excursions, a Perceptual Motor Program, sensory play, gardening and active outdoor play.

bush kinder Program
The bush kinder program for our 4-year-old kindergarten group (Wallabies) will commence in Term 1 (date to be confirmed). For the Friday sessions, children will be dropped off and picked up from Kingston Heath Reserve, Farm Road. Bush kinder is based on the Forest school movement in Europe. Children attend their regular kinder session from the same “bush” location each week, where children are able to play freely and engage with nature.
There has been a wide variety of research into bush kinder showing it has huge benefits to children including increased confidence, resilience, wellbeing, mental health, critical thinking skills, creativity, physical health, social skills, independence and stress reduction. These skills help prepare children for school. Children also develop language, literacy, maths and science learning through the bush kinder program. Very importantly, children are happy and have fun.
TRANSITION TO Primary School
A smooth transition for your child
Transition from kindergarten to primary school is a big step for children and their families. Our educators are there to support you and your child.
Our 4-year-old kindergarten teachers will write a school transition statement for each child. You will be provided with an opportunity to read the statement and add comments. This statement will be sent to the prep coordinator at the school your child will be attending. The statement will provide them with some basic information about your child, their interests, development and their learning needs, aimed at supporting the prep teachers in their role.
There are some ways you can support your child to be ready to attend school:
Attend some transition sessions at the school
Support their developing independence, using toilets on their own, dressing, packing their bag, caring for their belongings. Getting confident with using a public toilet
Be positive about the change
Be aware of how you are feeling, you may feel sad, happy or a multitude of other feelings, make sure you manage how these impact you child
Support your child to communicate with you about how they are feeling, listen and be empathetic, their feelings are real to them
Help your child to build confidence by allowing them to take risks, challenge themselves, play, explore socialise with other children, speak to adults, try new things
Some practical tips before day 1:
Make sure their school uniform fits, that they can do up their school shoes and independently open their lunch containers
Make sure you are familiar with the drop off and pick up spots at school and you child knows who will be picking them up and where
Make sure they know who their teacher is and where their classroom and the toilets are.
Try and meet another parent who is familiar with the school (someone with older children at the school) they will be a good resource to you
For more information about school readiness visit this website and please ask discuss and concerns or questions with your child’s teacher, they are here to help.